IMO documents

Search and download documents of the International Maritime Organization.
Distance Students: accounts are created on request.
A list of databases and other resources either subscribed to or recommended by WMU Library.
Search and download documents of the International Maritime Organization.
Distance Students: accounts are created on request.
The site for all of IMO publications, including SOLAS, MARPOL, STCW and other codes, conventions, resolutions and IMO circulars.
Content available in varying and multiple languages as published by IMO
IMO Vega is a secondary site to access IMO publications including MARPOL, SOLAS and other codes.
Please email the library at for login details.
Access is only granted to current WMU students and staff.
This database provided by the Swedish Standards Institute is the Swedish portal to ISO standards.
Site is natively in Swedish, you may switch to English in the top right menu.
UN resource with some free content. Includes data and infographics.
Includes: Liner shipping connectivity index
The United Nations Digital library indexes many UN publications and reports. The vast majority of recent documentation is available to everyone electronically, however some access is restricted.
The UN iLibrary includes books, journals, working papers and databases.
The United Nations Treaty Collection contains information regarding the activities of the Treaty Section of the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs.